New Mexico Dogman Encounter: Witness Recounts 8-Foot Tall Creature with Glowing Eyes

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Have you ever heard of the elusive creature known as the Dogman or Manwolf? According to the YouTube channel Dimensional Walking, this being is said to roam the back rural areas of our country and has been sighted around the world. While many people are familiar with Bigfoot or Sasquatch, the Dogman is a lesser-known cryptid that is just as fascinating. The Dogman is described as a creature that is usually six or seven feet tall, with a dog head, fur like an animal, and a slender muscular body with shoulders and human-like hands with claws. Some also have large bushy tails, although this is not always the case. The eyes of the Dogman are said to be particularly striking, glowing in a greenish yellow color. They are also known to be able to move bipedally, as well as on all fours. In the video, the host shares their own encounter with the Dogman in New Mexico, where they saw a creature that was closer to eight feet tall. They describe it as having a hump on its back and moving quickly along a trail area. The host also mentions that the Dogman they saw did not have a bushy tail, and that some people have reported seeing them puff themselves up in a defensive position. The Dogman is often compared to Bigfoot, but there are some key differences between the two creatures. For one, the Dogman has a dog-like head, while Bigfoot is more humanoid in appearance. Additionally, the Dogman is known to be able to move on all fours, while Bigfoot is typically depicted as walking upright. Despite the numerous sightings of the Dogman, there is still much that is unknown about this elusive creature. Some believe that the Dogman is a dimensional being, able to move between different dimensions or realities. Others think that it may be a previously undiscovered species of animal. If you're interested in learning more about the Dogman, be sure to check out the video from Dimensional Walking. And who knows, maybe you'll be lucky enough to have your own encounter with this fascinating cryptid.