Peter Kane Unveils 64-Year-Old Bigfoot Remains: Museum Plans Revealed

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

A new video has surfaced on YouTube, posted by the channel "LET ME KNOW," that has caught the attention of many in the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "Man Claims His Dad Killed Bigfoot 64-Years-Ago And Has The Evidence To Prove It," tells the story of Peter Kane, a man from New York who claims that his father and a friend shot and killed a Bigfoot 64 years ago. According to Kane, his father and his friend were out hunting when they stumbled upon the Sasquatch. They shot it down and brought home the Bigfoot's head, which ruined their Thanksgiving dinner. Kane's mother was disgusted by the sight of the head and the couple eventually separated due to the ongoing conflict it caused. The head, along with other body parts, has been frozen for the past six decades and has been in the possession of Peter's family ever since. In the video, Kane shows the Bigfoot's head on camera and points out its large brown eyes, which he says look sunken due to dehydration. He also notes that the ears are hidden behind a thick black mane and that the teeth are huge and look almost human. Kane reveals that he plans to construct a museum and theme park in honor of the Bigfoot, and promises to show more parts if his critics leave him alone. Many in the Bigfoot community remain skeptical of Kane's claims, as the creature has been associated with many hoaxes in the past. However, Kane insists that the head is real and challenges anyone who thinks otherwise. In other news, did you know that the term "Bigfoot" was first used in 1958 by a California reporter? Prior to that, the creature was mostly known as "Sasquatch," a term used by the indigenous people of the Pacific Northwest. The term "Bigfoot" was popularized by the famous Patterson-Gimlin film, which was shot in 1967 and allegedly shows a female Bigfoot walking through the woods. Whether or not you believe Kane's story, it's always fascinating to hear about new claims and evidence related to the elusive Bigfoot. Be sure to check out the video for yourself and let us know what you think.