Giant Humanoids in the Great Basin: Unknown History Unearthed

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel BIGFOOT! / William Jevning, host William Jevning delves into the mysterious world of giant humanoid sightings and folklore in the United States. The video, titled "BIGFOOT IN HISTORY | Abominable Snowmen Legend come to Life chapter six | Episode 55," explores the history of reports of large, human-like creatures in North America, with a particular focus on the Great Basin region. One interesting bit from the video is the story of the Carson City Jail tracks, discovered in the jail compound of Carson City, Nevada at a depth of 25 feet below the surface. These tracks, which were found in Sandstone, were said to belong to a variety of creatures, including giant humanoids, elephants, deer, cats, and birds. However, it was the humanoid tracks that caused a stir, with some scientists suggesting they were made by giant men over a million years ago. The discovery of these tracks was widely reported and even inspired a humorous story by Mark Twain. However, the true story behind the tracks is one of scientific skullduggery and vagueness. The tracks were studied by Dr. Harkness of San Francisco, who filled in areas not clearly shown in the originals, conveniently around the front of the imprints and down their inner sides. These alterations made the tracks look more human, but also cut out any imprints of toes, human or otherwise. Despite the controversy surrounding the tracks, they have been largely ignored by the scientific community. Some have suggested that the tracks belong to a ground sloth, either miladon or what is called moreotherium. However, as the video points out, ground sloths are not known to walk on their hind legs or leave footprints like those found at the Carson City Jail. The Carson City Jail tracks are just one example of the many mysterious and unexplained phenomena surrounding giant humanoid sightings in North America. The video serves as a reminder of the rich folklore and history surrounding these creatures and the need for further examination and either exposition or debunking. In addition to the Carson City Jail tracks, the video also touches on the topic of giant skeletons and the controversy surrounding their existence. While the video does not provide any definitive answers, it does offer a fascinating look into the world of giant humanoid folklore and the ongoing debate surrounding their existence. In conclusion, the video from BIGFOOT! / William Jevning is a must-watch for anyone interested in the world of Bigfoot and giant humanoid folklore. The story of the Carson City Jail tracks is just one of many intriguing tales explored in the video, and it serves as a reminder of the rich history and mystery surrounding these creatures. So sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the journey into the world of Bigfoot and giant humanoid folklore.