Florida Island Bigfoot Sighting: Man Encounters Towering Figure Near Palm Tree

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

Have you ever wondered if Bigfoot or Skunk Apes could live on islands and travel from island to island? A recent report from the YouTube channel Bigfoot Adventures With Lisa explores this possibility, and it's definitely worth a watch. The video features a fascinating account from a man who had a Skunk Ape sighting while fishing in his backyard in Florida. His property backed up to a swamp and bird sanctuary, making it a perfect spot for an elusive creature to hide. The man was fishing at 2 to 2:30 a.m. when he heard splashing in the water. At first, he thought it was just a raccoon, but then he heard a louder noise and saw a figure standing in a nearby canal. The figure was about 30 feet away and taller than a six-foot palm tree. The man described it as dark brown and swaying back and forth like it was really mad. He was understandably frightened and ran into the house to tell his wife and son. When he went back outside to look again, he saw the creature running towards a nearby railroad and into the swamp, moving on two legs like a human. This report is particularly interesting because it raises the question of whether Bigfoot or Skunk Apes could live on islands. There are over 10,000 islands in Florida, many of which are remote and covered in mangroves. These islands would provide plenty of food and cover for a large, elusive creature. Of course, the idea of Bigfoot or Skunk Apes living on islands is purely speculative. But it's a fascinating possibility to consider. After all, if a creature as large and elusive as Bigfoot can survive in the dense forests of North America, who's to say it couldn't also thrive on isolated islands? If you're interested in learning more about this report and other Bigfoot sightings, be sure to check out the full video on Bigfoot Adventures With Lisa's YouTube channel. And if you have a Bigfoot sighting of your own that you'd like to share, Lisa encourages you to email her at [email protected]. She'll share your story while keeping your identity confidential. Before we wrap up, here's a fun fact: did you know that mangroves are some of the most important trees in the world? They provide habitat for a variety of wildlife, help prevent erosion, and even sequester carbon from the atmosphere. So even if Bigfoot isn't roaming around these islands, they're still worth protecting. In conclusion, the possibility of Bigfoot or Skunk Apes living on islands is an intriguing one. While we may never know for sure, reports like the one featured in Bigfoot Adventures With Lisa's video remind us that the world is full of mysteries waiting to be explored. So the next time you're out on a remote island, keep your eyes peeled – you never know what you might see.