Mystery on the Farm: Box Turtle Shell and Suspicious Tree Break - Could It Be a Sign?
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
In a recent video from the YouTube channel The Grant House, the channel's owner shares some intriguing findings from his property in Adams County. The video, titled "Sasquatch-Sabe People of Adams County Part Two," features the channel owner discussing a series of strange occurrences on his land, including a tree break, a dead box turtle, and a hindquarter of a fawn deer. While the video doesn't explicitly mention Bigfoot or Sasquatch, some viewers have speculated that these events could be connected to the elusive creatures.
The tree break, which occurred on a walking path that the channel owner mows, features a branch that was broken directly into the lane and another that was pulled down 90 degrees in a westerly direction. The channel owner also mentions that another sapling was broken on the gravel road that divides Payson Township and Fall Creek Township on the same night. Coincidentally, a dead box turtle was found upside down in the middle of the lane just 50 feet from the suspicious tree break.
While these events may seem like mere coincidences, the channel owner can't help but wonder if there's a pattern emerging. He also notes that the frequency of these occurrences seems to come and go in spurts.
Interestingly, the channel owner also shares some unrelated information about his background in researching the writings of the Baha'i faith, a mystical Eastern Faith with five million members worldwide. He mentions that the faith has a lot to say about the impact of extraterrestrial life on Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, and how their presence might affect mankind as a whole. The channel owner also references an article he wrote for the MUFON journal about an Interstellar code, which he believes is relevant to the topic of extraterrestrial life.
While the video doesn't provide any definitive evidence of Bigfoot or Sasquatch, it's an interesting watch for anyone interested in the unexplained. The channel owner's curiosity and open-mindedness towards these strange occurrences are infectious, and it's hard not to get caught up in the mystery of it all.
If you're interested in learning more about the Sasquatch-Sabe People of Adams County, be sure to check out The Grant House's YouTube channel and watch the full video for yourself. Who knows, you might just uncover some evidence that these elusive creatures are living in Adams County.