New Bigfoot Sighting in Van Duzer Corridor: Footprints and Evidence Found

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Paranormal enthusiasts, have you heard about the latest sighting in the Van Duzer Corridor? A recent video posted on the North American Bigfoot Center's YouTube channel tells the story of a witness who claims to have seen a "big hairy dude" while driving on Highway 18. The witness, Rodney, was on his way from Lincoln City when he saw the creature standing in front of a broken cedar tree. According to the video, Rodney described the creature as towering above the tree, with large hair covering its body. Of course, such a sighting is always intriguing and should be checked out. So, the North American Bigfoot Center decided to investigate the area. The team found large impressions that could have been footprints, but due to the weather conditions, they were not in good shape. However, the team did find a trackway and some broken trees, which could indicate the presence of a large animal. What's interesting about this sighting is that it's not the first time a Bigfoot-like creature has been reported in the Van Duzer Corridor. The video mentions a local name for the creature - the Corridor Creature. According to the video, a farmhouse in the valley was being visited frequently by a Sasquatch that was stealing chicken eggs. The locals knew about it, and the creature was even given a name. While the video doesn't provide any concrete evidence of the existence of Bigfoot, it does add another dot to the map of sightings. As the video states, most sightings come down to a dot on the map - where was the Sasquatch and when was it there. And this sighting provides a new location for researchers to explore. The North American Bigfoot Center is planning to keep their ears to the ground and hopes to hear more stories from the area. The team will be doing a casino job in Lincoln City in June, and they're confident that they'll get more sighting reports from the area. As with any paranormal sighting, it's important to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities. While we can't say for sure if the Corridor Creature is a Sasquatch, the sighting is certainly intriguing and worth investigating further. So, if you're in the area, keep your eyes peeled for any signs of the Corridor Creature. And, as always, if you have any sightings or stories to share, be sure to submit them to the North American Bigfoot Center. You never know, your story could be the next big paranormal headline.