Multiple Bigfoot and Yowie Sightings: Personal Encounters and Eyewitness Accounts

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

A police officer refuses to enter the woods near the Birkenhead River in British Columbia, Canada, due to numerous encounters with unidentified creatures in the area. The Facts By Howtohunt .com YouTube channel explores this hotspot for Sasquatch sightings in a video titled "A Police Officer Won't Go In The Woods Anymore." The video begins by highlighting the bridge over the Birkenhead River, a well-known location for Sasquatch encounters. A farrier had a terrifying experience when a creature ran across the road in front of his truck, startling him with its incredible speed. A friend of the videographer, who works in the nearby Mount Curry First Nations community, has also had several encounters, including one where a creature followed him up the road. Year-round sightings are common in this region, and the videographer hopes to connect with someone from the community to share their stories. He shares an old photograph of himself standing on a hill overlooking the lake, where he was once accused of using a green screen for a previous video. Now, he's on the other side of the lake, near a temporary road built for construction work. A friend of his discovered a 17-inch footprint at the head of a mountain bike trail nearby. The videographer goes on to describe how the area is rich in Sasquatch history, with reports of yelling, screaming, and even a family witnessing a creature walk through their front yard. He also shares a story from Tony and Graham in Tasmania, Australia, about their own Sasquatch encounter in the 1970s while erecting fences in a dense rainforest. Towards the end of the video, the videographer discusses Steven Greer, a man who claims to have information on extraterrestrial spacecraft and beings. Although not directly related to Sasquatch, the videographer believes in listening to various perspectives and encourages viewers to make their own informed decisions. If you're intrigued by this fascinating region and its history of Sasquatch sightings, be sure to watch the full video on The Facts By Howtohunt .com YouTube channel.