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Posted Saturday, May 06, 2017
By staff
Witness Describes Real-Life Yahoi Encounter in Queensland, Australia
Bigfoot Duo Towering Over Escalade in Great Barrington Camping Trip
Missouri Officer's Encounter: Bigfoot Gift in Mark Twain Forest
Bigfoot Expedition Uncovers Startling Evidence: Bones, Giant Handprints, and Thermal Signatures
Bigfoot Hunters Discover Green Orb and Mysterious Tracks by a Lake
New Evidence of Bigfoot: Driveby Sightings, Glowing Eyes, and 1894 Photo
New Bigfoot Sightings: Canada, Ohio, Ontario, Alaska, Colorado
Bigfoot Hunt in Nova Scotia: Investigating a Mapping Sighting with My Dog
Yellowstone Park Ranger Uncovers Ominous Phenomena and Mysterious Activity
Kansas Couple's Chilling Bigfoot Encounter Near Hillsdale Lake
Kansas's Top 5 Bigfoot Encounters: Witness Accounts from Canopolis to Scott City
Bigfoot Researcher Uncovers Mysterious Pagodas in Tennessee Wilderness
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