Bigfoot Encounters: Soda Thief, Rock-Throwing Creature, & Elusive Trackway
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
Recently, I came across a fascinating video on YouTube from the channel The Round Table Of Knowledge By HTH. The video, titled "Helicopter Saw And Landed To Record Huge Human Like Foot Prints On A Glacier," contains a series of comments from individuals sharing their own encounters with the unknown.
One commenter, Delta Echo, recounts a hunting trip in the Wintas where they discovered signs of a large, mysterious presence. The trees near their truck had clean breaks at approximately 12 to 14 feet up, and a round, flat rock was left in the middle of the hood. Delta Echo suspects that the culprit was over 11 feet tall.
Another commenter shares a chilling experience from 2004 in Colorado while elk hunting. They noticed their hair standing up on their neck and saw a huge, hairy arm lob a large rock towards them. Immediately, they left the area and slept with their seven mil mag next to them.
A senior field Forester, who worked for WADNR in 1995, tells a story of spotting a trackway from a helicopter that went several hundred yards across a glacier above Darrington, Washington. The tracks were fresh, 20 inches long, and an astounding six to seven feet apart. However, the tracks stopped and disappeared in the middle of the glacier, leaving the team baffled.
These stories and more can be found in the video, and it's a reminder that there are still many mysteries out there waiting to be discovered. I encourage you all to watch the video and share your own experiences in the comments. Let's continue to support and uplift each other in our quest for knowledge and understanding.