Man's Encounter with a Tri-Colored Bigfoot Sparks Spiritual Quest

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In a recent video posted on the YouTube channel "SASQUATCH BC THE TRUE STORY: THE PORK N BEANS SHOW," William Morris shares his experiences and encounters with Sasquatch. The video, titled "WILLIAM MORRIS PORK N BEANS," features William in conversation with hosts Frank Boulevard and Port Cunningham. During the conversation, William talks about his first encounter with Sasquatch, which occurred when he was just 16 years old. He was hunting behind his home on the S Diamond Ranch in Myrtle Creek, Oregon, when he saw something that he initially thought was a giant rabbit. However, as he observed the creature, he noticed its tri-colored coat and the way it moved. William shares that the Sasquatch took a dive into the brush and disappeared, leaving him perplexed and intrigued. William goes on to discuss his subsequent encounters with Sasquatch, including a terrifying experience that he had. He also talks about how he became interested in Sasquatch and how he came to meet Arla, another Sasquatch researcher and enthusiast. One of the things that stood out in the video was William's description of the Sasquatch as having a tri-colored coat. This is not a common characteristic that is often associated with Sasquatch, and it adds an interesting element to William's story. Another notable aspect of the video is William's discussion of the spirituality of Sasquatch. He mentions that his encounters with Sasquatch have become a quest to raise his personal vibration and spirituality. This is a unique perspective and adds a deeper layer of meaning to William's experiences. Overall, the video is an interesting and engaging account of one person's encounters with Sasquatch. It offers a unique perspective and provides insight into the experiences of those who have had close encounters with these elusive creatures. If you're interested in learning more about Sasquatch and hearing firsthand accounts of encounters with these mysterious beings, be sure to check out the video on the "SASQUATCH BC THE TRUE STORY: THE PORK N BEANS SHOW" YouTube channel.