Matthew's Kimchi Beast Films: Real Encounters and the Ouachita Expedition Await

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Master Hughes, the creator of the popular YouTube channel with the same name, has been receiving a lot of comments regarding his past films, including Kimmy Beast Expedition, Kimchi Beast Expedition 2, Trail to Kimchi Beast, and Bigfoot. According to Hughes, these films have been gaining popularity and can be found on various platforms. Some viewers have expressed their belief that the movies are real, while others have their doubts. Hughes clarified that while some of the sounds in the films are recreated for clarity, most of the sounds and events are real. He explained that they sometimes need to recreate sounds because of the limitations of their proximity microphone, which only records sounds within a certain range. Hughes also addressed the comments about the thick fog in Kimchi Beast Expedition 2, assuring viewers that it was not a fog machine, but a real phenomenon that occurred during filming. He emphasized that they do their best to capture reality in their films, even if it means spending thousands of dollars on equipment and travel. The filmmaker also mentioned that they will soon release their next movie, the Ouachita Beast Expedition, and they will try to record it as close to the actual events as possible. Hughes encourages viewers to watch the films and share their thoughts, emphasizing that they value and respect all opinions. In conclusion, Master Hughes' YouTube channel offers a unique blend of reality and entertainment, leaving viewers to decide for themselves what they believe is real or not. Regardless, the films have generated a lot of interest and discussions, making them a must-watch for anyone interested in the unknown and the paranormal.