Six Stunning Bigfoot Encounters from the Past Six Years Caught on Video

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

As a video curator for Squatchable, I'm always on the lookout for compelling Sasquatch footage to share with our community. Recently, I came across a video from the YouTube channel Rocky Mountain Sasquatch, showcasing their top six Bigfoot videos from the last six years. The video's creator, Rocky Mountain Sasquatch, emphasizes that while many of these videos exhibit typical Bigfoot characteristics, not all of them have been definitively proven to be genuine Sasquatch sightings. They also make the point that the iconic Patterson video, featuring the famous "Patty," should not be the sole standard for evaluating Bigfoot footage. Patty's frantic escape from horseback riders is not representative of how a Sasquatch would normally behave when it's not being threatened. One of the standout videos in the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch compilation is from Saskatchewan, Canada. The witness, Miles, initially mistook the Sasquatch for a black bear but soon realized it was a bipedal creature nearly nine feet tall. Miles had the presence of mind to start recording the Bigfoot before it disappeared from view. Another intriguing video was captured near Jasper, Alberta, Canada. The witness, Floyd, noticed a tall, dark creature observing mountain goats and decided to use his iPad to film the mysterious subject. Floyd's quick thinking allowed us to see what appears to be a Sasquatch standing upright and observing its surroundings. The video also features a fascinating clip from the European country of Atagia, where a Yeti or Bigfoot was filmed prior to 2014. Although the video is only a few seconds long, it offers some unique insights into the creature's posture and locomotion, with several characteristics that suggest it's not wearing a suit. The compilation also includes a video from Utah, where two deer hunters captured footage of what they initially thought was a person hiking in dark clothing during a rifle hunt. Upon further examination, they realized the figure was much larger and wider than a typical human, and they generously shared the video with the Bigfoot community. One of the more mysterious videos comes from Michigan, featuring a Sasquatch carrying an infant and what appears to be a deer or other items across the Cass River. Despite numerous attempts to debunk the footage, many questions remain unanswered, and the video has yet to be definitively discredited. Lastly, the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch video includes footage from North Ontario, Canada, near Lake Shore. The video captures a Sasquatch briefly emerging from the tree line before quickly retreating. The creature's forward-leaning profile, long arms, and unique leg movements are all characteristics commonly associated with Sasquatch. As a curator for Squatchable, I encourage our community to watch these videos and share their thoughts and insights. While not all of the footage may be definitive proof of Sasquatch, they each offer intriguing glimpses into the world of these elusive creatures. Keep on squatching!