In a recent episode of Starseed Chat, host Lily Nova had the pleasure of interviewing paranormal investigator and remote viewer, Jessica Jones. The two discussed their experiences with cryptids, with a particular focus on Sasquatch.
Jessica Jones is a member of several research groups, including Enigma Research Group and Anomalous Studies and Observation Group in North Georgia. These groups are action-oriented and conduct field research on all things paranormal, with a focus on Bigfoot. They have even attained groundbreaking evidence at several paranormal hot spots in the southeastern United States.
What sets Jones' team apart from others is their use of remote viewing, a skill that Lily Nova has recently become interested in. Remote viewing is a mental faculty that allows a person to describe and experience a target that is distant in space and time. Jones and her team use this technique in their field research, which has led to some fascinating discoveries.
Jones has also assisted in missing persons cold cases and has presented her field research at disclosure conferences. She is often interviewed on podcasts and radio shows across the globe.
During the interview, Jones discussed her origin story and how she got started in paranormal research. She explained that she has always been interested in the paranormal and started off as a Bigfoot field researcher in 2011. However, she never intended to go public with her research. It wasn't until she was asked to speak at Camp Disclosure in Georgia a few years ago that she decided to share her experiences with a wider audience.
Jones also discussed the connection between paranormal experiences and the raising of consciousness. She believes that by sharing her experiences and research, she is helping to raise the consciousness of the planet.
If you're interested in learning more about Jessica Jones and her work, be sure to check out her YouTube channel, The Cryptid Huntress. You can also catch her on Space Out Radio, where she hosts the after-hours show with Marquis.
In addition to Jones' interview, Lily Nova also discussed the importance of keeping an open mind when it comes to paranormal experiences. She encouraged viewers to explore their own experiences and to share them with others. Who knows, your own paranormal encounter could help to raise the consciousness of the planet.