Two Chilling Bigfoot Encounters: Anson County & Southern Ohio

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

A recent video posted on The Round Table Of Knowledge By HTH YouTube channel caught my attention, and I knew I had to share it with my fellow Squatchable readers. The video, titled "50ft From A Sasquatch On The Rhine River Switzerland," features a captivating firsthand account of a possible Sasquatch encounter in North Carolina. The witness, who prefers to remain anonymous, describes their experience in detail, which took place around 2007 or 2006. They were in a lock-on stand early in the morning, about 14 feet up in the rain, waiting for a front to move on. Despite the heavy rain, the witness heard what sounded like heavy footsteps around their tree, first on one side, then the other. Although they couldn't see anything due to the darkness, they could feel a sense of fear, which they couldn't quite explain. The witness goes on to describe how the footsteps sounded different from those of any animal they had heard before, and there were no accompanying sounds of breathing or snorting. The experience occurred about 40 yards from the Uwharrie National Forest and the Pee Dee River, in a remote area with five to six thousand acres of timber properties, which were leased as a hunt camp. What makes this account even more intriguing is the witness's certainty that what they heard was not a bear or any other known animal. They even mention the possibility of a cougar, despite the state biologist's claims that there are no big cats in North Carolina. The witness is adamant that they saw a cougar, and they have a friend who also saw a big black cat in Tennessee while turkey hunting. As a video curator, I find this account fascinating, and I encourage all Squatchable readers to watch the video and share their thoughts on the encounter. Whether you believe in Sasquatch or not, stories like this one are an essential part of the ongoing conversation about the possibility of these elusive creatures. As we continue to explore the world of Sasquatch, it's essential to remain open-minded and respectful of all ideas. Encounters like this one remind us that there is still so much to learn about the natural world and the mysteries it holds. If you come across any videos or stories that you think would be of interest to the Squatchable community, please don't hesitate to share them with us. We're always on the lookout for new and exciting content to feature on our website. Until then, happy Squatching!