Hunters Report Mysterious Roar on Monroe Lake: A Bigfoot Encounter?
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
Hunters Report Mysterious Roar in Monroe County, Indiana
While perusing YouTube, I came across a video from the Wood Brothers Paranormal Almanac titled "BFRO Bigfoot and Sasquatch Monroe County, Indiana Reports Part 3." The video shares an intriguing account of a possible Bigfoot encounter by three hunters in Monroe County, Indiana.
The incident occurred in October 2009, during waterfowl hunting on Monroe Lake. The witnesses described an extremely loud roar or moan that seemed to come from a nearby bay. The noise was so intense that even with earplugs, they heard it clearly. Although they didn't see anything, they heard the same noise again, but this time it seemed to come from a greater distance.
The hunters, familiar with Indiana wildlife, couldn't identify the source of the sound. They initially considered possibilities like a bear, mule deer, or a large bird, but none of these explanations seemed to fit. They even considered the idea of college kids playing a prank, but quickly dismissed it due to the remote location and unusual nature of the noise.
It wasn't until they got home and started searching for animal noises on YouTube that they found a video titled "Bigfoot noises and pictures." Upon listening to the audio, they realized that the noise they heard while hunting was identical to the one in the video. They explored other Bigfoot recordings and found that they closely matched the sound they had heard.
The witnesses, initially skeptical of Bigfoot, now believe they may have encountered an unknown creature. They haven't returned to the spot where they heard the noise, but they plan to continue investigating.
The video also references another report from Monroe County, involving a sighting in early 2009. The witness described two long, loud moans, with the second one coming from a greater distance.
These stories add to the intrigue surrounding Bigfoot sightings and encounters. If you're interested in learning more about these incidents, I encourage you to watch the video and explore the BFRO (Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization) website for additional information on Monroe County reports. Whether you're a seasoned Bigfoot researcher or a curious newcomer, these stories offer a fascinating glimpse into the world of the unknown.