Mysterious Shanu: Encounters with a Legendary, Magically Corrupted Creature

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Have you heard of the legend of the Chenoo? I recently came across a fascinating video on YouTube from the channel Єгор that delves into this chilling folklore. The Chenoo is often described as a large, human-like creature with sharp fangs and a body that becomes excruciatingly warm, forcing it to live in the snow. According to the video, legends say that the Chenoo was once a human being who was corrupted by dark magic and cursed to eat people's flesh. The video goes on to explain that there are a few ways to kill a Chenoo, but it usually requires doing so more than once. Some versions say that the only way to ensure they are truly dead is to chop up their bodies into multiple pieces. The only way to destroy a Chenoo is by destroying their icy heart, either by tricking them into eating salt or forcing them to eat so much that they throw it up. The video shares two legends about the Chenoo. In the first, a girl and her brothers come across Chenoo tracks in the woods. The brothers write it off as bear tracks, but the sister lays out baskets of berries on a pile of bear skins, hoping to lure the Chenoo. When it shows up, the sister pretends to mistake it for her grandfather and tricks it into doing tasks for them. When they decide to return to their tribe, the Chenoo asks them to build a sweat lodge for it. Inside, the Chenoo coughs up an icy lump and reverts to its human form. In the second legend, a woman rejects a man's advances, and he seeks revenge by turning her into a Chenoo. She immediately notices the changes and forces her family to fire seven arrows into her heart, effectively ending the curse. If you're interested in learning more about the legend of the Chenoo, I highly recommend checking out the video on Єгор's YouTube channel. It's a fascinating look into this chilling folklore.