Las Vegas UFO Encounter: Family Reports Tall Beings, Now Silent
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
Have you heard about the recent UFO incident in Las Vegas? If not, let me fill you in. A UFO was spotted flying above a neighborhood, and witnesses reported seeing extremely tall beings as well. This has to be one of the wildest UFO sightings in Las Vegas to date.
While there have been many UFO incidents in Las Vegas in the past, this one seems to be particularly intriguing. Many people believe that the close proximity of Area 51 has something to do with the high number of UFO sightings in the area. However, if the government was really hiding aliens, it's unlikely that they would keep them in Area 51.
The incident was captured on a cop's body camera, and when the cops arrived at the scene, they told the family who reported the sighting not to call them again. The video footage from the body camera clearly shows a UFO, but the cops had no comment on the matter.
There is also another video circulating online, allegedly showing an alien from the same incident. However, I think this footage is likely from a different time and place. The family who reported the sighting has since gone silent, leading many to believe that the government may have had something to do with it.
At the same time as this incident, there were more UFO sightings in Arizona. While I don't think the object in the photo is a UFO, it doesn't completely debunk the possibility. Overall, the Southwest has been experiencing a lot of UFO activity lately.
What do you think is going on? Let us know in the comments. And be sure to check out the video for yourself to form your own opinion.