Encountering Eastern North Carolina's Gray Sasquatch: A Researcher's Firsthand Account

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent episode of Spaced Out Radio, host Jessica Jones welcomed Jeremiah Fountain, a cryptozoology researcher and paranormal investigator, to share his experiences with Sasquatch and other cryptids in North Carolina. Fountain, who hails from a logging family and lives in the Adirondacks of Upstate New York, has had several up-close sightings of Sasquatch and other cryptids during his travels. He is also the founder of Paranormal Encrypted Crossroads Research and runs two podcasts, "On the Trail" and "Crypto Consortium," formerly known as "Skookum Session Bigfoot Roundtable." During his time in North Carolina, Fountain and his son came across Sasquatch sign, including a set of 14-inch tracks, near an old train trestle and a swamp. On one particular night, they heard bipedal movement in the water and saw eyes light up in the bayou. Fountain was able to capture a picture of a big male gray Sasquatch with fluorescent blue eyes, which he described as looking more "morning-star" than the ones he has encountered in the Adirondacks. Fountain also mentioned that the Sasquatch he encountered in North Carolina had a different build than the ones he is used to in the Adirondacks, with cannonball-like deltoids and a wider chest. He estimated that the Sasquatch was at least three feet wide and two to two and a half feet above the vegetation. Fountain's experiences in North Carolina serve as a reminder of the diversity and wide range of Sasquatch and other cryptids that can be found in different parts of the world. Be sure to check out the full episode of Spaced Out Radio to hear more about Fountain's experiences and research. And if you're interested in learning more about Fountain's work, be sure to follow him on his YouTube channel, "The Cryptid Huntress," and his website, cryptidhuntress.com.