1933 Sasquatch Encounter: Rancher's Mother Witnesses Six-Foot Tall Creature

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A recent video posted on YouTube by Paul Daghlian has caught the attention of Sasquatch enthusiasts and researchers. In the video, Daghlian shares an intriguing story from John Green's book "The Sasquatch File," which features a chapter titled "Scratches on a Sign." The story revolves around a letter written by a woman who grew up on a ranch near Oakville in Grays Harbor County, Washington. The letter describes an encounter her mother had in 1912, when she saw a large, ape-like creature standing on its hind legs and peering into her window. The creature made a strange noise as it walked around the house, an experience that left a lasting impression on the woman's mother. Daghlian emphasizes the significance of this story, as it was written in the late 1960s, a year after the Patterson-Gimlin footage was released. The woman had no knowledge of the footage at the time, making her account all the more compelling. The letter also mentions that the woman and her husband had a summer home in the Bitterroot mountains in Montana, where they occasionally heard old trappers tell stories of ape-like creatures in the area. This detail adds another layer of intrigue to the account. John Green, a well-respected Sasquatch researcher, published the letter in his book, indicating that he believed the woman's story to be credible. Daghlian notes that Green would not have included the letter if he had any doubts about its authenticity. The video serves as a reminder of the importance of sharing and documenting personal Sasquatch experiences. These stories contribute to the ongoing research and the collective understanding of these elusive creatures. We encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts on this fascinating account.