Discover Dominican Sigwapa: A Mythical Night-Walker with Bigfoot Links
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
Have you heard of the Ciguapa, a mythical creature from Dominican folklore? I recently came across a video on YouTube that delves into the fascinating legend of this elusive being.
According to the video, Ciguapas are described as having human female form with brown or dark blue skin, backward-facing feet, and long, smooth hair covering their bodies. They are said to inhabit the high mountains of the Dominican Republic and are nocturnal creatures. The position of their feet makes it difficult to determine their direction of movement, and some believe that looking them in the eye can result in being bewitched permanently.
Ciguapas are known to make a kind of whine or chirping sound, and they are considered magical beings, with some viewing them as beautiful and others as horrendous. They are often compared to mermaids, as they are said to be so beautiful that they can lure men into the forest to make love with them, only to kill them afterward. However, there are also claims that some Ciguapas are benevolent and do not wish to harm trespassers.
Despite the belief that the myth of the Ciguapa originated from the Taino people, there is no evidence to support this claim. Some argue that the legend is of more recent origin, as it shares characteristics with ancient European mermaids and other myths from distant cultures.
The video also mentions a Dominican film called "Elmido de la Siguapa" and a children's picture book by Julia Alvarez called "The Secret of the Footprints," both of which feature Ciguapas.
If you're interested in learning more about this intriguing mythical creature, I encourage you to watch the video for yourself. It's a fascinating exploration of Dominican folklore and the enduring power of myths and legends.