Unexplained Encounters: Evidence and Personal Experiences of Bigfoot

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel The Grant House, the channel's owner shares their personal experiences and puzzle pieces that have led them to believe in the existence of the Sa'be, also known as Sasquatch. The video, titled "Adams County Sa'be/ Sasquatch Puzzle Pieces," takes us on a journey through the owner's past, starting from their childhood in Western Illinois. The video begins with the owner discussing an overnight campout they had with a friend, Billy, in the 1950s. They recall hearing something walking around their tent, which they assumed was Billy's dad. However, they now wonder if it could have been something more, as they have heard about the Sa'be people's ability to make people scared. The owner then shares another childhood experience where they heard something shriek outside their sleeping porch, which scared them and their cousins. They mention that their parents laughed it off as an owl or a screech owl, but the owner now wonders if it could have been something else. The owner also talks about their childhood fear of something looking in their window, which they always thought was a Tyrannosaur. However, they now wonder if it could have been something else, as the experience has made them question all the events they passed off as nothing in the past. The video then moves on to the owner's first UFO sighting in 1960, where they saw a Red Orb fly overhead and disappear. They also mention a later experience in their early college days, where they were overcome with a sense of dread while staying at a cabin in the bottoms across from Hannibal. The owner then connects these experiences to the Momo, the monster flap in Clarksville and Louisiana, Missouri, which happened around the same time. They also mention a later experience of finding a gigantic pile of poop near their house, which they couldn't identify as coming from any known animal. The owner emphasizes that they are sharing these experiences as a public service to anyone who may encounter similar events. They encourage viewers to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities, as their own experiences have made them question their past. In conclusion, the video from The Grant House provides a fascinating insight into one person's journey to believing in the existence of the Sa'be. The owner's personal experiences and puzzle pieces serve as a reminder to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities when encountering unexplained events. If you're interested in learning more about the Sa'be or have experiences of your own to share, be sure to check out the video and join the conversation in the comments section.