Have you heard about the Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization (GCBRO)? If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you'll be excited to learn about this group and their efforts to uncover the truth about these elusive creatures.
Based out of Texas, the GCBRO covers the Southern States and is always on the lookout for any signs of Bigfoot activity. They use modern technology to stay connected, including social media, instant messaging, and even phone calls. When a report of Bigfoot activity comes in, they act quickly to investigate and plan a hunt if necessary.
In a video posted on The J. Horton Films YouTube channel, the founder of the GCBRO explains how they use technology to stay connected and investigate reports of Bigfoot sightings. He also shares some of the aggressive activity they've encountered, such as Bigfoot killing pets and farm animals.
One of the most interesting parts of the video is when the founder talks about what would happen if someone were to bring in a live Bigfoot. He jokes about calling President Trump and Governor Ivy, and having the National Guard on hand to ensure the Bigfoot's safety. But he also acknowledges that a live or dead Bigfoot would be the ultimate proof of their existence.
The GCBRO is just one of many Bigfoot groups that have popped up around the country as interest in these creatures has grown. While some people are skeptical, there are many reputable people who have seen Bigfoot and believe in their existence.
If you're interested in learning more about the GCBRO and their investigations, be sure to check out The J. Horton Films YouTube channel. And who knows, maybe one day we'll get the ultimate proof of Bigfoot's existence – a live one brought in for all to see.