Oklahoma Farmer's Daughter's Encounters with Sasquatches: A Call to Preserve Nature
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
A fascinating account of a Sasquatch encounter has been shared on the YouTube channel Smokey Sasquatch Stories & Survival. The witness, Janice, has had numerous experiences with these elusive beings throughout her life, but one encounter in particular stands out.
Janice, who hails from Eastern Oklahoma, describes how her father was attempting to clear-cut their 100-acre property to increase crop yield. Despite her love for the forest, she kept her concerns to herself. However, one evening, while walking through the cornfield at the edge of the woods, she heard a low voice saying, "We feel your pain." Intrigued and slightly unnerved, she ran back inside.
The following evening, the same voice returned, this time urging her to "speak to us at night." Janice, feeling reassured that the voice was coming from a benevolent being, decided to communicate back. She apologized for the destruction of their home and asked if they were upset by her father's actions. The response she received was both a warning and a plea for peace.
Janice bravely approached her father, asking him to spare at least some of the forest for the sake of the animals that might need it for shelter. Her father laughed off her concerns, leading Janice to take matters into her own hands. She ventured into the woods, where she discovered a trail of large footprints and was met with a clear message: "Do not come here loudly."
The most chilling part of Janice's account is when she made eye contact with one of the Sasquatch. After this encounter, her father inexplicably stopped clearing the land. Janice believes that the Sasquatch scared him, but chose not to harm him.
This story is a powerful reminder of the potential consequences of disrupting the natural habitats of these mysterious beings. It's a call to respect their homes and to listen when they communicate. You can watch the full video on Smokey Sasquatch Stories & Survival's YouTube channel and draw your own conclusions about this captivating encounter.