New Mexico Bigfoot Encounter: Angelo's Cimarron Story with Crypto Crew

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

A few months back, I stumbled upon a fascinating video on YouTube featuring an interview with a man named Angelo, who had an encounter with something mysterious in Cimarron, New Mexico. The video was posted by the YouTube channel TCC Research, and I knew I had to share Angelo's story with the Squatchable community. Angelo was driving on a road near Miami Lake around 11 pm when he saw a set of eyes in the road. As he slowed down, he noticed that the creature was about eight feet tall and walked off the side of the road. Angelo estimated that it took the creature two or three steps to cross the road, which would be equivalent to eight or nine steps for a human. He described the way it moved as "creeping" and mentioned that the water level at the lake was higher than usual due to irrigation. What struck me about Angelo's story was the level of detail he provided. He mentioned that the encounter happened around three years ago in the spring and that there was a lot of activity on the road that night. Angelo also mentioned that he had heard strange noises in the local area, which he believed to be the screams of Sasquatch. He described the noises as a "bunch of screaming" and mentioned that they had happened for a few nights in a two-week period. Angelo grew up in the area and was familiar with the sounds of other animals, such as coyotes, elk, dogs, and raccoons. However, he had never heard noises like the ones he heard during those nights. He also mentioned that he had heard foxes in the area before but that the noises he heard were much deeper and sounded like a yelping noise, similar to when a dog is injured. The interviewer, Leon Drew, mentioned that there had been reports of Sasquatch sightings in the area and that he would keep an eye out in the area. He also asked Angelo if he would be interested in becoming a field researcher, to which Angelo agreed. Angelo's story is a fascinating addition to the many Sasquatch sightings and experiences reported over the years. The level of detail he provided and his familiarity with the local area make his story all the more compelling. I encourage all Squatchable readers to watch the video and share their thoughts on Angelo's encounter.