Bigfoot Encounter in Adirondacks: Witness Psychology & Reality Impact

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you'll want to check out this video from Linda Eastburn's YouTube channel. In it, she shares her lifelong interest in Sasquatch, which began when she was just a child. She was captivated by Leonard Nimoy's "In Search Of" episode on Bigfoot and soon became an avid reader on the topic. Eastburn's fascination with Sasquatch led her to the BFRO (Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization) website in the early 2000s. She attended her first expedition in Upstate New York in 2005 and has been actively pursuing and interviewing eyewitnesses ever since. In her book, Eastburn and her co-author, who investigates paranormal activity, share eyewitness accounts and compare them to other paranormal experiences. They were interested in the psychological impact of witnessing something previously assumed not to exist and how it affects a person's perception of reality. One of the most fascinating eyewitness accounts in the book comes from a man named Alan, who lives in the Southeastern section of the Adirondack Mountains in Upstate New York. Alan's story, which he shared with Eastburn in 2005, is exactly the same 12 years later. Eastburn finds it hard to believe that he would memorize such a detailed story just to perpetuate a hoax. Eastburn and her co-author didn't find a common thread among the individuals they interviewed, but they did notice that people's walks of life impacted whether their experience was positive or negative. For example, a woman who was very active in her church and worked at a rectory found the experience disturbing and wondered where Sasquatch fit into creation and evolution. If you're interested in learning more about Eastburn's research and the profiles of individuals who have experienced Bigfoot and other paranormal phenomena, be sure to check out the video and her book. And as always, keep an open mind and stay squatchable!