Paranormal Reporter's Notes: Exploring the Dark Corner of South Carolina for Sasquatch
I recently came across a fascinating video from the YouTube channel Hellbent Holler, where the team returns to the Tennessee Wilderness in northern South Carolina to investigate recent reports of Sasquatch activity in the area. The team had previously explored this location a few years ago, but the activity died down, leading them to focus on other areas. However, with the recent surge in sightings and encounters, they decided to revisit this place and document their experiences.
The team is going old-school for this investigation, using only one full-spectrum camera, a thermal camera, and their basic hiking gear. They believe that stripping down their equipment will allow them to connect more deeply with their roots and the environment they are exploring.
Upon their arrival, the team notices the impact of a controlled burn that took place in the area. Although the burn was part of forest management, it resulted in the growth of new vegetation, making the forest denser and more lush than before. This new growth provides excellent concealment for any creatures that might be living in the area, making it an ideal location for Sasquatch to remain hidden.
As they hike through the dense forest, the team encounters a vast field of wild blueberries and blackberries. This discovery piques their interest, as areas with high concentrations of wild berries have been linked to increased Sasquatch activity and mysterious disappearances in David Paulides' Missing 411 series. The team remains vigilant, knowing that if the environment can support a predator like Sasquatch, it can also support black bears.
During their hike, the team hears rhythmic tapping and clicking noises in the distance. They are unsure if these sounds are related to Sasquatch or another unknown entity, but they continue to investigate, hoping to capture evidence of the source on camera.
As night falls, the team equips their headlamps, thermal cameras, and red flashlights to navigate the dense forest. They are aware that the vegetation is so thick that they cannot see around corners, making their investigation even more challenging and intriguing.
I highly recommend watching the full video from Hellbent Holler's YouTube channel, "Dark Corner: Searching For Bigfoot in South Carolina," to experience the team's journey firsthand. The video offers a captivating look into their investigation and the mysterious Dark Corner of South Carolina.