Ronnie J's Childhood Sasquatch Encounter at Summer Camp

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

A chilling tale of a Sasquatch encounter at a summer camp has been making waves on the Smokey Sasquatch Stories & Survival YouTube channel. The video, titled "SASQUATCH TERROR At SUMMER CAMP *DISTURBING*", features a firsthand account from a man named Ronnie J, who had an unsettling experience with a Sasquatch during his time at summer camp in the 80s. Ronnie J, who is now 55, recounts his experience of seeing a large, hair-covered figure outside his cabin window. The figure, which he initially thought was a man, had long arms and a cone-shaped head. Ronnie J watched as the creature walked away on two feet and disappeared into the darkness. The next morning, a camp announcement was made warning all the kids to be aware of wildlife, especially at night. Ronnie J couldn't help but wonder if anyone else had seen what he had seen. As it turns out, another camper named Sean had also witnessed the creature. Sean, who was the only person of color in the camp and was treated poorly because of it, described the creature as walking on two legs like a person. He had seen it outside his cabin window, Cabin Six, and it had looked like a hairy man with a cone-shaped head. Later that night, the creature returned, and this time Ronnie J got a better look at it. He saw that its hair was black and matted, and its hands and feet were all too human-like. The creature paced outside Sean's window, crouched down, and looked in before disappearing into the wilderness. The next morning, Sean was sent home, as he had become ill and was reportedly saying something about a big hairy man. The camp counselors assumed he was having hallucinations, but Ronnie J knew that wasn't the case. The video has sparked a lot of discussion among the Sasquatch community, with many people sharing their own experiences and theories about the creature. Some believe that Sasquatches are highly intelligent and may have even been observing the campers as part of a larger study. Others believe that the creatures are more aggressive and may pose a threat to humans. Regardless of what one believes, Ronnie J's story is a chilling reminder of the power and mystery of the Sasquatch. If you're interested in learning more about Sasquatches and their place in our world, be sure to check out the Smokey Sasquatch Stories & Survival YouTube channel and other resources on the topic.