Sasquatch Encounters: Mysterious Skinning of Prey on a Farm
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
In a recent video from The Grant House YouTube channel, the channel's owner shares their personal journey to believing in the existence of Sasquatch, also known as Sa'be. The video, titled "Sa'be/Sasquatch - How I Know They are Real and They are Here," presents the owner's firsthand experiences and evidence that led them to their conclusion.
The speaker begins by acknowledging the incredible nature of their statement, emphasizing their commitment to truthfulness. They describe their initial skepticism, which evolved over time as they learned about their extended family members' encounters with cryptids. These experiences, which took place during the Momo the Monster flap in Clarksville, Missouri, and involved sightings of creatures not believed to exist, solidified the speaker's openness to the possibility of Sasquatch's existence.
The speaker's personal turning point came when they discovered the hindquarter of a pond deer on their mowed path, with no signs of predation or human involvement. This discovery was followed by the finding of two raccoon carcasses on their farm, with the hides carefully removed and set aside. These occurrences, along with an independently corroborated deer carcass discovery on the Vermilion River, led the speaker to their belief in Sasquatch.
The speaker challenges viewers to identify any known animal that skins carcasses in such a manner, as they claim no such animal exists. They also mention that their family members have experienced possible interactions with Sasquatch, further solidifying their belief.
Towards the end of the video, the speaker discusses their involvement in the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and shares their published articles on the subject. They encourage viewers interested in extraterrestrial life to join MUFON and explore the wealth of information available.
As a curator for Squatchable, I encourage our readers to watch the video and draw their own conclusions. The speaker's experiences and evidence provide food for thought and may inspire others to share their own Sasquatch encounters.