Bigfoot Sighting in Marble Mountains: Deepwoods Paranormal Investigates
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
From the YouTube channel Deep Woods Paranormal comes a video that asks the question, "Do these videos prove Bigfoot is real?" The video features a compilation of some of the top videos that supposedly show evidence of Bigfoot's existence.
As a curator for Squatchable, I came across this video and was intrigued by the footage presented. The first video is from 2001 and shows a group of kids on a backpacking trip in the Marble Mountains. The leader of the group, Jim Mills, captures what he believes to be a Bigfoot shelter.
The shelter appears to be made of trees that have been snapped and crossed over each other in a V-pattern, with pine needles and branches inside to create a cave-like structure. Jim notes that there are claw marks on the trees and no evidence of human tools being used to create the shelter.
As they explore the shelter, Jim and the group notice movement on a nearby hill. They see what appears to be a figure moving between two trees, but it is difficult to make out any defining features. Jim speculates that it could be a Bigfoot, while the skeptics in the group argue that it could be a person hiking on the trail.
The video raises an interesting question - what constitutes as evidence for Bigfoot's existence? For the believers, this video may provide enough evidence to support their beliefs. However, for the non-believers, it may not be enough to change their minds.
As a curator for Squatchable, I encourage readers to watch the video and form their own opinions. It is important to approach these videos with an open mind and consider all possibilities. Whether you are a believer or a skeptic, these videos are a fascinating glimpse into the world of Bigfoot.
It is also important to note that the YouTube channel Deep Woods Paranormal is not affiliated with Squatchable. As a curator, I am simply sharing this video as a point of interest for our readers.
In conclusion, the video from Deep Woods Paranormal provides a compelling argument for the existence of Bigfoot. While the evidence presented may not be enough to convince the skeptics, it is certainly food for thought for those who are open to the possibility of Bigfoot's existence. As a curator for Squatchable, I will continue to share interesting videos and articles related to Bigfoot and encourage our readers to do the same.