New Bigfoot DNA Evidence: Personal Encounters and Sasquatch Genome Project
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
From the YouTube channel RenaissanceMan comes a video that has caught the attention of many in the Sasquatch community. The video, titled "The Proof Is Out There | Sasquatch DNA Found In Golden Ears Provincial Park," presents DNA evidence that Sasquatch exists and is related to humans.
The video's host, who goes by the name Renaissance Man, clarifies that he is not affiliated with any side of the "Bigfoot War" that is happening in the community. He has had two visual encounters with Sasquatch and has had several other experiences, but he is not a Sasquatch researcher. He explains that when he posted his videos with Sasquatch Randy, he received backlash and even threats from some members of the Sasquatch community.
Despite not being deeply embedded in the Sasquatch world, Renaissance Man decided to cover this video because it made him rethink almost everything about the topic and the people presenting it. The video features the Sasquatch Genome Project, led by genetic scientist Dr. Melba Ketchum. Dr. Ketchum, who lives in a rural town in Texas with frequent sightings of "forest people," claims to have found DNA evidence of Sasquatch's existence.
Renaissance Man also mentions Adrian Erickson, a businessman who funded a five-year study on Sasquatch that cost over half a million dollars. Erickson, who grew up hunting and trapping with indigenous people in Northern Alberta, claims to have seen his first Sasquatch at the age of seven.
The video also touches on the topic of Bigfoot trophy hunting, which Renaissance Man admits he is not a fan of. However, he acknowledges that it can help local indigenous communities if done correctly.
Throughout the video, Renaissance Man remains neutral and encourages viewers to leave comments with their thoughts on the topic. He emphasizes that he is not on any side of the Sasquatch debate and is simply sharing information that he finds interesting.
In conclusion, this video from the YouTube channel RenaissanceMan presents DNA evidence of Sasquatch's existence and claims that it is related to humans. While the video's host is not a Sasquatch researcher, he found the information presented in the video intriguing and worth sharing with his audience. The video also touches on the topic of Bigfoot trophy hunting and the role it can play in helping local indigenous communities. Overall, the video is an interesting addition to the ongoing Sasquatch debate and is worth a watch for anyone interested in the topic.