Gas Station Encounter: Sasquatch Sighting and Cover-Up in Texas

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

A gas station worker in Northern Texas had an encounter with what he believes were Sasquatch, and the events that followed were even more terrifying. The witness, who wishes to remain anonymous, sent in his story to the YouTube channel Smokey Sasquatch Stories & Survival. During a night shift, the witness noticed three large, shadowy figures moving towards the gas station during a thunderstorm. The figures were jet black and moved incredibly fast, gliding rather than walking. The witness was able to capture the creatures on security cameras, and they appeared to be almost twice the height of a seven-foot dumpster. The witness called his manager and showed him the footage, but the manager was skeptical. The witness then sent the footage to the authorities for analysis. The following night, an unmarked black SUV pulled up to the gas station and a man in a black suit got out and stared at the witness for several minutes without pumping gas. The witness felt uneasy and scared. On the witness's last night at the gas station, the same black SUV returned and two men in matching black suits entered the gas station and demanded access to the back room. The men did not respond when the witness asked why they needed to enter the back room, and they had translucent sunglasses that never blinked. The men erased the security footage from the previous day before leaving. The witness was later fired from his job, and he believes it was due to the Sasquatch encounter. He hopes that by sharing his story, others may have ideas or insights to help him understand what happened. Squatchable encourages readers to watch the full video and form their own opinions on the encounter. The witness shows courage in sharing his story, and it is important to respect his experiences and opinions.