Atlantic City Encounter: Teen with Black Eyes and Floating Children - Oh My!

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Recently, I came across a video on YouTube from the channel Phantoms & Monsters Radio that caught my attention. The video, titled "BLACK-EYED KIDS - WHAT ARE THEY? ARE THEY DANGEROUS? LIVE Q&A In The Chat," features host Lon Strickler discussing encounters with black-eyed kids. In the video, Lon shares a particularly chilling account from a witness in Atlantic City. The witness had stepped out of a hotel to retrieve some wine from their car, parked a block away. As they approached their car, they heard a voice call out to them. They turned to see a teenage boy standing a few feet away, wearing old faded jeans and a dark hoodie. But what really unnerved the witness was the boy's eyes - they were completely black, with no whites visible. The boy asked for a ride to his mother's house, but the witness was alarmed by his unusual appearance and refusal to leave them alone. As they tried to back away, the boy followed, his black eyes seemingly trying to control the witness's attention. Suddenly, two more children appeared, floating towards the witness. It was at this point that the witness fled back to the safety of their hotel. In another account, shared by a woman named Mary from Utah, she and her mother encountered two black-eyed children while on a trip to Orlando in 2005. The children approached them on a moving walkway, getting too close for comfort and ignoring all attempts by Mary's mother to shoo them away. The children seemed to be in their own world, laughing and moving their hands as if in conversation. Mary describes their eyes as "solid black no whites, their eyes looked extra wet and shiny like pools of oil." These accounts, and others shared in the video, are enough to give anyone chills. While the existence of black-eyed kids is still debated, these stories serve as a reminder to trust our instincts and be wary of strangers, no matter how innocent they may appear. If you're interested in learning more about black-eyed kids and other unexplained phenomena, be sure to check out the full video on Phantoms & Monsters Radio's YouTube channel. And as always, remember to stay open-minded and keep an eye out for the unusual. You never know what you might encounter.