Bigfoot Expedition in Michigan: New Footage and Eyewitness Accounts

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Recently, I came across an interesting video on YouTube from the channel Mid-West Bigfoot Researchers. The video, titled "Bigfoot Expedition 2nd stop- Luzerne, MI 6/22/23," shares footage and witness reports from a Bigfoot expedition in Luzerne, Michigan. The video begins with the researcher explaining that the forward camera footage didn't process correctly, but the backward camera footage turned out fine. They share local reports of Class A sightings in the area, including a particularly intriguing report from 2010. In this report, a witness and their kids were camping near Meal, Michigan, when they had a close encounter with a Bigfoot. The creature approached from behind, and the witness was left feeling paralyzed or in a haze. The kids reacted by running to the van, leaving an indentation in the side as they did so. The witness also mentioned that several trees in the area seemed to be braided together at the tops. The researcher then shares thermal footage from 2017, comparing it to more recent footage taken in the same area. They also share an interview with a witness named Dango, who had his first daytime sighting in Luzerne. Dango describes seeing a Bigfoot that was about seven feet tall, standing near some deer in a field. Another report from 2008 involves a bird hunter who accidentally stumbled upon a resting Bigfoot near Curtisville. The researcher shares details about the location, noting that it's an area they've hunted in many times before. The video is a fascinating glimpse into the world of Bigfoot research, and it's clear that the Mid-West Bigfoot Researchers are dedicated to their work. If you're interested in learning more about this expedition, be sure to check out the video for yourself.