East Texas Viewer's Bigfoot Encounters: Scat Analysis & Community Insight

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent episode of the Bigfoot! Campfire Talk, host William Jevning and his guest discussed an intriguing email they received from a viewer named Mike. Mike, who resides in Canton, East Texas, surrounded by hundreds of acres of heavily wooded forest, shared his unsettling experiences that have left him feeling like he's being watched. Mike's property has a feed plot at the edge of the woods, where he often tosses apples, and he's noticed some peculiar happenings. He's found large amounts of dark grayish-black poop full of seeds by his deer feeder, which doesn't resemble any scat he's ever seen before. Additionally, he's noticed fewer coyotes at night and found the front legs of a deer torn off at the joints cleanly near a hiking trail in a nearby park called Curtis Creek, where hunting is prohibited. One evening, while tossing apples by his feeder, Mike heard movement and a low growl about 30-35 feet away from his left. He described the sound as not being from a coyote, cougar, or dog, and he felt it was an intelligent warning from something to leave the area immediately. Mike hasn't seen a Bigfoot but is curious if others in his area have had similar experiences. William Jevning, a two-time witness and field researcher for over 40 years, shared his own experience last summer when he and another person heard growls in the woods. They approached the sound, and it growled back, confirming their suspicions. Jevning emphasized the importance of not running when encountering unknown creatures, as it can trigger a chase response. The episode also touched on the topic of what happens when Bigfoots die and how their remains are handled. A viewer had asked about this during a Q&A session. William Jevning shared a story about a man named Carlo, who was friends with Linda Moulton Howe and had experienced a couple of Bigfoot encounters. Carlo believed that Bigfoots were buried in large mounds, which William Jevning had also found in Northwestern Oklahoma. These stories and experiences shared by Mike and William Jevning offer a fascinating glimpse into the world of Bigfoot sightings and encounters. If you're interested in learning more about Mike's experiences or sharing your own, be sure to watch the full episode and join the conversation.