Mike from Tactical Bigfoot Shares His Sasquatch Investigations
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
Paranormal enthusiasts, have you heard of the YouTube channel "Where's My Sage"? If not, let me introduce you to their video titled "Hanging with Kyle from Encryptid Connections."
In this video, Kyle, the host of Encryptid Connections, catches up with his audience after a brief hiatus. He explains that life can sometimes get in the way of his passion for the paranormal, but he's committed to getting back on a regular schedule of at least one show a week. Kyle also mentions that he'll be returning to the property soon and has a backlog of 18-22 hours of audio to go through from his previous visits.
During the video, Kyle introduces his guest, Mike, from the "Tactical Bigfoot" and "Where's My Sage" podcast. Mike shares his background in criminal justice and archeology and how he became interested in the paranormal. It all started when he was out sick and began searching for Bigfoot sightings online. This search led him to discover a sighting just five miles from his home and sparked his curiosity even more.
Mike eventually connected with Ryan, the host of "Western New York Bigfoot," and Steve, also known as the "Squatch Detective." Through these connections, Mike has gone on several investigations and has met many other like-minded individuals in the paranormal community.
One interesting fact that Mike shares is that he has not yet seen a Bigfoot himself, but he has talked to many people who have had encounters. He emphasizes that the paranormal community is all about sharing stories and experiences, whether or not you have personally witnessed something.
Overall, this video is a great glimpse into the world of paranormal investigations and the community that surrounds it. If you're interested in learning more about Mike and his experiences, be sure to check out his podcast "Tactical Bigfoot" and "Where's My Sage." And, of course, don't forget to watch the full video on "Where's My Sage" YouTube channel.