New Bigfoot Sighting in Squatch Talks Podcast: Witness Describes Detailed Encounter

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Recently, I came across an intriguing video on YouTube from the channel Squatch Talks Podcast. The video, titled "I JUST SAW A BIGFOOT S4 / EP65," features real stories and encounters with Bigfoot, as told by real researchers. In this particular episode, the hosts share their recent camping trip in a squatchy area, complete with fireworks, chiggers, and a lovely time with friends. They also had the opportunity to speak with their brothers Nathan and Brian over the holiday weekend. However, the most exciting part of the episode is the firsthand account from a witness named Melanie, who had a Class A encounter on New Road in Shamong, Southampton, Southampton (or possibly Vincentown, Southampton, depending on the source). Melanie describes seeing something unusual walking along the roadside, dressed in dark brown or black clothing from head to toe. As she approached, the figure quickly darted into the woods. Melanie, who was driving at the time, was close enough to see that the figure was not human, and its movement was unlike anything she had ever seen before. She immediately texted her uncle Tom, who later accompanied the Squatch Talks Podcast team to the location to conduct a follow-up interview and recreation of the event. The team includes the witness's account in this episode, along with footage from the recreation and interview. It's a fascinating listen for anyone interested in Bigfoot sightings and research. If you're intrigued by Melanie's encounter, be sure to check out the full video on the Squatch Talks Podcast YouTube channel. And as always, we encourage our readers to share their own sightings and experiences with us at Squatchable.