Giant Blue Disc UFO Extracts Bigfoot in Shasta National Forest

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Have you ever heard of a connection between Bigfoot and UFOs? The YouTube channel Beyond Creepy recently shared a fascinating story that involves both. I came across this video and felt compelled to write about it for Squatchable. In July 1984, a group of 20 people, including Marion Lane and her brother Chris, went camping at Dead Falls Lake in the Shasta National Forest. They were having a great time, singing, drinking, and enjoying each other's company around a campfire. Suddenly, at around 2 AM, a blue light appeared in the sky, thousands of feet up, glowing over one of the northern peaks. Everyone at the campfire began staring at the mysterious light. As it grew more intense, Marion noticed that the source of the light seemed to be coming over the peak. A large glowing disc, exuding a combination of bright blue and white light, appeared in the distance. The object began to descend, emitting beams of white light that moved from one side to the other, scouring the terrain. The group of campers became nervous and afraid, as the object slowly moved closer to their camp. They tried to extinguish their campfire, hoping that doing so would make them less visible to the strange object. Marion estimated that the disc was at least 200 feet across, unlike anything she had ever seen before. As the object hovered over a particular spot for almost 20 minutes, a vast column of powder blue light flashed from its base to the ground below. The craft pulled something up from the ground within the tube of light – a gigantic hairy creature, resembling a Bigfoot. The creature was held in a state of suspended animation, glowing in the soft blue light. After the object departed, Marion and her friends remained standing in the darkness, in a state of disbelief. Marion eventually contacted Xi Huang, who published her account in his book UFO Sightings and Encounters Volume 1. This incredible story reminded me of another account shared by Leslie Garcia on her Cryptids Canada podcast. In 1999, Sue von Clapp and her brother Steve, along with some friends, were staying at a cabin in Missoula, Montana. While sitting outside, they noticed a strange triangular object in the sky, with flashing red lights at each point. The object seemed to react to their movements, turning its lights on and off in response to the cabin's lights. Without warning, the object shot forward, coming to a dead stop directly over them. Terrified, they ran into the cabin and hid. Later, they noticed that a coffee plate and all the coffee, sugar, and cream had disappeared. One of the friends, Brent, even claimed to have seen a creature looking in the window, which he later admitted he thought might have been a Sasquatch. These stories are truly captivating, and I highly recommend checking out the Beyond Creepy and Cryptids Canada videos for a deeper dive into these mysterious encounters. Who knows, maybe there is a connection between Bigfoot and UFOs that we have yet to understand.