Hunter's 1988 Encounter: Surprising a Family of Bigfoots in Colorado
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
A fascinating account of a possible Sasquatch encounter was recently shared on the YouTube channel, Sasquatch Chronicles. The video, titled "SC EP:807 The Little Monkey," features an interview with a man named Mark who recounts his experiences in Colorado over the past 30 years.
Mark grew up in Nebraska and had a passing interest in Sasquatch due to his mother's clippings of articles about the creature. However, it wasn't until he moved to Colorado and had his own encounters that he became more deeply involved in the subject.
One of Mark's earliest experiences in Colorado involved a strange, shaggy shape that he saw while filling his canteen in a wet area. At the time, he couldn't quite figure out what it was, but he knew it wasn't a rock or a tree. When he looked back, the shape was gone, but he noticed a strong musky odor in the air.
The next morning, Mark returned to the area and found footprints in the mud. At the time, he didn't think much of it, but looking back, he now believes that he may have surprised a family of Sasquatches, including a mother and two young ones.
Mark's most memorable encounter occurred a few years later, when he was bow hunting in the mountains. He had just shot an elk and was field dressing it when he heard strange noises coming from the trees. At first, he thought it was a bear, but the noises were unlike anything he had ever heard before.
Suddenly, a small Sasquatch appeared in front of him. Mark described it as looking like a "little monkey" with a face that was "almost human-like." The creature was only about three feet tall and had a "cute" appearance.
Mark was initially frightened, but he soon realized that the Sasquatch was not aggressive. Instead, it seemed curious about him and the elk. Mark tried to communicate with the creature, making noises and gesturing, but it didn't seem to understand.
Eventually, the Sasquatch disappeared back into the trees, but Mark's fascination with the creature only grew. He has since had several other encounters, and he now believes that Sasquatches are intelligent and empathetic beings.
Mark's story is just one of many that have been shared on the Sasquatch Chronicles YouTube channel. The channel features interviews with witnesses, researchers, and experts in the field of Sasquatch studies.
If you're interested in learning more about Sasquatch or sharing your own experiences, be sure to check out the Sasquatch Chronicles YouTube channel. And who knows, maybe you'll have your own encounter with the elusive creature one day.