Veteran's Personal Encounters with Missouri's Mysterious Momo Creatures
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by user Linda Eastburn has caught the attention of many in the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "Bigfoot On The River," features an interview with a man named Eric Testerman, who claims to have had several encounters with the elusive creature on his 40-acre property in Missouri.
Testerman, a veteran and author, grew up hearing stories about Momo, the Missouri Monster, from his great-grandfather. It wasn't until he was 13 or 14 years old, while playing hide and seek with his siblings in the woods, that he had his first encounter with what he believes to be Bigfoot. He stumbled upon a massive barefoot print on a path in the woods, which he says was not there just minutes before.
Testerman's property is home to what he calls his "fall friends," who he believes are a group of Bigfoot that come to the area every year during the fall season. He describes their communication as a "whoop" sound that lets him know they are nearby.
In the video, Testerman shares a particularly interesting encounter that occurred last fall. He was staying in an RV on his property with his father when he heard tapping on the side of the RV and felt it shake. At first, he thought it was one of his daughters playing a prank on him, but then he heard what sounded like a thousand-pound owl call, followed by a thousand-pound dog bark, and a strange bird call. Testerman says he could feel these sounds in his chest and they rang in his ears. He took this as a sign that his "fall friends" were back, but behaving differently than usual.
Testerman has a deep respect for nature and the land he lives on. He believes in giving back to Mother Earth what she provides to him and has a good relationship with the wildlife in the area. He describes Sasquatch as his "elder brother" and has never had a negative experience with them. However, he does mention that there is a negative feeling he gets when he is near the Niagara River, which is known to be an active area for Cryptids. He speculates that this could be due to the presence of a dogman or something else entirely.
Overall, Testerman's experiences and encounters with Bigfoot are both fascinating and intriguing. His respect for the land and the creatures that inhabit it is evident in the way he talks about them. If you're interested in learning more about Testerman's experiences, be sure to check out the full video on Linda Eastburn's YouTube channel.