Man's Encounter with Sasquatch in New Jersey's Pine Barrens: A Firsthand Account

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In a chilling account shared on the YouTube channel Sasquatch Chronicles, a witness named Darren recounts a terrifying encounter he had over 41 years ago in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Darren, along with his brothers and some friends, had a run-in with one of these mysterious creatures. Darren and his group were hiking in the pine barrens, an area that spans the length of New Jersey and is known for its dense wooded areas and open fields. The group would often hike in the pine barrens, taking advantage of the many springs in the area to stay hydrated. On this particular day, the group was hiking towards a spring that they knew had a metal pipe driven into it, providing cold, crystal clear water. As they approached the area, Darren noticed that something looked different. He soon realized that the area across from the fire cut had been shaped into a hut, with limbs and bushes woven into a dome-like structure. As they got closer, Darren smelled something rotten. Inside the hut, they found a dead deer. The group was understandably shaken by the discovery, but they didn't stick around for long. Darren's encounter is a chilling reminder of the mysterious creatures that may be lurking in the woods. If you've had an encounter of your own and would like to share your story, be sure to check out Sasquatch Chronicles and reach out to the channel. You can listen to the full account in the video, "SC EP:816 I Saw A Monster" on the Sasquatch Chronicles YouTube channel. Sasquatch Chronicles is a great resource for those interested in the paranormal, with real-life accounts of encounters with Sasquatch and other mysterious creatures. Be sure to check out their channel and become a member for additional shows.