Paranormal News: Space Signals & Jack the Ripper's Identity - Brent Thomas
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
Paranormal enthusiasts, have you had a chance to check out the latest video from the YouTube channel Paranormal Portal? If not, you're in luck because I've got a breakdown of all the spooky happenings that went down in their recent live stream.
Host Brent Thomas kicked off the night by discussing their plans to investigate using instrumental transcommunication (ITC) to try and make contact with unseen entities. With the REM pod set up on Don's chair, the team was hoping to capture some meaningful communication from the other side.
As they waited for any potential spirits to make their presence known, Brent delved into the latest paranormal news. The first article he discussed was from and detailed strange signals coming from space that have been baffling astronomers for decades. The mysterious source, known as GPM j1839-10, has been sending out blasts of energy every 20 minutes that vary in brightness. Despite attempts to classify it as a pulsar or magnetar, the signals don't fit with any known astronomical phenomena. The search for other examples of the same phenomena could help reveal more clues, but for now, the object remains a mystery.
Next up, Brent discussed a former police volunteer's claim to have uncovered the identity of the infamous serial killer Jack the Ripper. Sarah Bax Horton believes that Jack the Ripper was in fact a cigar maker named Hayam Hayam who lived in the middle of the area where the murders took place. Hayam had a history of mental illness and spent time in mental asylums, leading Horton to believe that his medical records match the physical characteristics of the murderer. While it's difficult to determine if Horton has genuinely cracked the case, it's an intriguing theory nonetheless.
Throughout the night, the team also discussed the Discord question of the week and took calls from viewers. While there were no major breakthroughs in their ITC investigation, the team remained optimistic and encouraged viewers to tune in for future investigations.
If you're interested in checking out the full live stream, be sure to head over to Paranormal Portal's YouTube channel. And as always, stay curious, my fellow paranormal enthusiasts.