Mysterious Cryptids Encountered: Goatman, Unknown Creature, and Humanoid in California and Australia

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In this episode of The Wolf Who Cried Cryptid's YouTube channel, viewers are treated to a compilation of obscure cryptid encounters and strange creatures. The video starts off with a familiar face, the Goatman of Bowie Maryland. Bowie, a suburb of Washington D.C. and Baltimore, was established in the late 1800s or early 1900s as a railroad town, and reports of the Goatman in and around the town date back to its establishment. The first story comes from an individual who had an encounter with what they believe to be the Goatman of Bowie Maryland. The witness and their friend were hanging out in a spot they frequented as kids, walking the railroad tracks and in the woods. Suddenly, the witness felt an overwhelming sense of being watched, a feeling they had never experienced before. They likened it to being watched by a predator. Not long after, a helicopter flew overhead, shining a spotlight over the boys. Almost immediately after, the witness heard the sound of gravel under the tracks and saw a massive silhouette standing near the overpass. Although the witness couldn't make out any features due to the darkness, they described the being as being about eight to nine feet tall and extremely burly. The witness and their friend quickly ran away, hearing footsteps behind them and a demonic, horrifying screech. A week later, the witness and their friend were hanging out with another friend who told them that the cops had been out in the woods the night of their encounter, searching for a woman who was screaming. The same night, a helicopter had been flying in the area. The witness and their friend realized that they had encountered the Goatman of Bowie Maryland. A commenter on the video shared their own experiences in that part of Maryland, backing up the story of the Goatman in the area. The next encounter comes from a witness who saw a creature in an Orange Grove one night in Northern California. The witness worked on an olive farm in a rural location, describing the area as a beautiful valley with wild rivers and tons of wildlife. The witness described feeling a static charge in the air before seeing the creature, a phenomenon that affects smell and taste. The witness described the creature as a huge black bristly creature walking on two legs. The final encounter comes from Manitoba, Canada, where a poster's grandfather relayed a story of a couple who encountered a humanoid being. The wife was never the same after the encounter. The couple saw a bright light shining inside their cabin and thought they saw the silhouette of a humanoid figure within. They searched the cabin but found nothing. The wife went back outside to retrieve more luggage, and that's when she encountered the humanoid being. These stories, along with others in the video, showcase the mystery and intrigue surrounding cryptids and other strange creatures. Whether or not you believe in these creatures, the stories are captivating and worth a watch.