New Bigfoot Sighting in Mountainous Region: Expert Investigates

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

A new and intriguing sighting of the elusive Sasquatch has been reported and shared on the YouTube channel Rocky Mountain Sasquatch. The witness, who prefers to remain anonymous, claims to have seen the creature while relaxing on their patio and looking at hummingbirds with binoculars. According to the witness, they noticed something unusual near the trees and snow on the mountains behind their house. At first, they thought it might just be a bird or other wildlife, but as they continued to observe, they realized that it was a bipedal figure, dark in color, and walking down the slope of the mountain. The witness describes the Sasquatch as being tall and lean, and moving quickly down the mountain. They estimate the distance from their house to the top of the mountain to be about one and a half miles, and they couldn't guess the height or weight of the creature due to the distance. In the video, the witness shares their experience with Jon Hill, a researcher and investigator of Sasquatch sightings. Hill asks the witness to describe what they saw, and the witness points out the location on the mountain where they first spotted the creature. Hill asks if the Sasquatch was taller than the light-colored trees in the area, and the witness estimates that it was at least half as tall as those trees. The witness also notes that the creature seemed to hesitate at first, as if it was unsure of its surroundings, before quickly moving down the mountain. This sighting is just the latest in a series of reports from the area. In the video, Hill mentions that he has received several reports of Sasquatch activity in the region, including his own sighting a couple of years ago. He also mentions a recent daytime sighting along the Wasatch mountains, and several other reports of aggressive behavior from Sasquatch in the same location. As a curator of Sasquatch sightings and encounters, I am always excited to see new reports and footage. This sighting, with its clear description and detailed observations, is a valuable addition to the body of evidence surrounding the existence of Sasquatch. I encourage all readers to watch the video and draw their own conclusions.