Man's Chilling Sasquatch Encounter in Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

While browsing through YouTube, I came across an interesting video from the channel Itchymoche n Vee. The video, titled "Another Bigfoot Encounter," shares a fascinating story from a man named Joe, who had a Sasquatch encounter back in 1998. Joe, a highly trained military Special Forces veteran, was on a night hike with a friend in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, which lies between Akron and Cleveland, Ohio. They decided to walk along the Cuyahoga Valley Line, a railroad that follows the river. As they were hiking, they heard an unmistakable scream, which Joe described as a cross between an elephant blast and a lion's roar. They soon realized that the sound was coming from a Sasquatch, standing at least eight feet tall and barreling towards them through a swamp area. The two men were taken by surprise and, instinctively, they ran. Joe mentioned that he was trained to face the enemy, not to run, but in this situation, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by fear. He emphasized that, when confronted with a Sasquatch, there's no simple explanation for what one experiences. The video also shares a similar story from the poster's brother, who had a daytime Sasquatch encounter with his boys in the same area many years ago. The family was canoeing down the Cuyahoga River and spotted an overturned boat on the shoreline. They decided to return and salvage it, but while searching for the boat, they had a terrifying encounter with a Sasquatch. These stories serve as a reminder that Sasquatch sightings are very real and can be a profound experience for those who encounter them. It's always exciting to come across first-hand accounts of Sasquatch encounters, and I encourage our readers to watch the full video to learn more about Joe's story and the paranormal mysteries that the Cuyahoga Valley National Park holds.