Paranormal Investigator's Encounter with Sick Sasquatch at Bigfoot Days

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Paranormal investigator and sensitive, Search4Spirits, recently had a strange encounter with Sasquatch while on a solo expedition in the Chippewa National Forest near Remer, Minnesota. In a recent video, Search4Spirits recounts his experience of going to Bigfoot Days in Remer, where he had hoped to hear some vocalizations of Sasquatch in the nearby Remer State Forest. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, he ended up parking in a small clearing off a road in the Chippewa National Forest instead. As he settled in for the night, he noticed a feeling of unease and decided to cleanse the energy of the area with prayers. It was then that he had his first encounter with Sasquatch. Search4Spirits describes seeing a group of eight Sasquatch, one of whom was not well. He sensed that they wanted him to say a prayer for the sick one, which he did. As he prayed, he heard a lot of ticking and creaking noises inside the van and his heartbeat increased. This lasted for over 20 minutes, causing him to consider leaving the area. However, he decided to stick it out and eventually, the feeling of anxiety subsided. He believes that the energy of the heavenly father, which he describes as the strongest in the universe, helped him to relax. Throughout the night, Search4Spirits continued to have encounters with Sasquatch, including hearing vocalizations and sensing their presence. He also saw strange lights in the forest. This is just one of many experiences that Search4Spirits has had as a paranormal investigator and sensitive. He has acquired certain abilities and sensitivities that allow him to have unique encounters with the paranormal. If you're interested in learning more about Search4Spirits and his experiences, be sure to check out his YouTube channel and watch the full video of his encounter with Sasquatch in the Chippewa National Forest.