Arkansas Hunter's 1851 Encounter: Early Bigfoot Sighting Unveiled

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

A recent video posted on The Sasquatch Discovery Project YouTube channel caught my attention, and I just had to share it with all of you. The video features a fascinating account of a wild man sighting in Arkansas, taken from the Memphis Inquirer and dated May 9th, 1851. In the video, Jeremy from The Sasquatch Discovery Project shares a clipping about a sighting of a wild man in Greene County, Arkansas. According to the article, Hamilton, a local hunter, and his acquaintance were out in the woods when they noticed a group of cattle in a state of panic. Upon closer inspection, they discovered that the animals were being chased by a creature that bore a striking resemblance to a human being. The creature was described as having a gigantic stature, with a body covered in hair and a head adorned with long locks that reached down to its shoulders. The wild man, as they called it, looked at the hunters for a brief moment before running away with incredible speed, leaping from 12 to 14 feet at a time. The hunters managed to measure the creature's footprints, which measured 13 inches each. The wild man had long been a part of local folklore, with sportsmen and hunters describing it for as long as 17 years. However, it wasn't until Hamilton and his friend saw the creature that its existence was finally accepted by the community. Jeremy from The Sasquatch Discovery Project adds that the wild man sighting in Arkansas is not an isolated incident. Similar accounts have been reported in Saint Francis and Poinsett counties, with a planter even spotting the creature recently. As always, Jeremy encourages viewers to do their own research and come to their own conclusions. He reminds us that there are still many mysteries in the world, and that the existence of such creatures as the wild man of the woods is still up for debate. If you're interested in learning more about this fascinating account, be sure to check out the video on The Sasquatch Discovery Project YouTube channel. And, as always, keep an open mind and stay curious!