Man's Chilling Bigfoot Encounter in West Seattle near School

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

A thrilling account of a possible Bigfoot encounter in the heart of a city has been shared on the YouTube channel BIGFOOT! / William Jevning. The video, titled "BIGFOOT! AMERICA'S CREEK DEVIL | Bigfoot and Kevin in Washington State | Episode 233," features a witness named Kevin who claims to have had a close encounter with the elusive creature while mushroom picking in downtown West Seattle. Kevin, a long-time believer in Bigfoot, had always been fascinated by the Patterson-Gimlin film and knew in his gut that these creatures were real. In 2010 or 2011, while living in Issaquah on the east side of Seattle, Kevin and his friend went mushroom picking in a park in downtown West Seattle. The park, surrounded by houses, is not a place where one would expect to encounter a Bigfoot. As Kevin and his friend were picking mushrooms in a secluded area of the park, they heard a loud, otherworldly whoop that seemed to come from nowhere. The sound was so loud and powerful that it almost felt like it could be felt rather than just heard. Kevin and his friend were frozen in fear, unsure of what could be making such a sound in the middle of the city. Suddenly, the creature appeared just 30 feet away from them. Kevin described it as a large, ape-like creature that seemed to come from a tree. The cell phone flashlights they were using did not provide enough light to see the creature clearly, but the sound it made left no doubt in Kevin's mind that they had encountered a Bigfoot. After the encounter, Kevin was left shaken and unsure of what to make of the experience. It wasn't until years later, when he got back into the Bigfoot subject, that he began to research the sound he had heard. He eventually came across the Ron Morehead Sierra sounds, which were incredibly similar to what he had heard that night in the park. Kevin's story is a fascinating addition to the world of Bigfoot research. The idea that these creatures can be found in urban areas is both intriguing and terrifying. It just goes to show that Bigfoot sightings can happen anywhere, at any time. If you're interested in learning more about Kevin's encounter, be sure to check out the full video on BIGFOOT! / William Jevning's YouTube channel. And, as always, keep an open mind and stay Squatchable!