New Bigfoot Evidence: Muscle Impressions, Loggers' Discoveries, and Asian Gigantophilicus Links

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In a video posted on The Sasquatch Archives YouTube channel, Peter Byrne shares his experiences and insights on the elusive creature known as Bigfoot. The video, titled "Portland Community College 1994 (part 3 of 3)," features Byrne discussing various aspects of Bigfoot, including possible explanations for its existence and sightings. Byrne begins by discussing a distinctive characteristic he has observed in Bigfoot footprints - a muscle or possible second muscle behind the big toe, which he has seen several times. He also mentions a bridge-like structure in the footprint, which he finds intriguing. The video then shifts to a discussion about the lack of reports of Bigfoot sightings until recently. Byrne and his team had been trying to publicize their efforts and the 800 number for people to call in their sightings. He then shares an exciting story from 1999, where a family in the Asian community had a close encounter with Bigfoot in the Hidden Forest Easter Red Bluff area. The family had lived in the area for 10 years after their community was decimated, and they had developed a system for dealing with the creature. Byrne also shares a theory about the possibility of Bigfoot being a large climate found in China, known as gigantophilicus, which started breaking different worlds 12,000 years ago. He mentions the discovery of a large footprint by a Dutchman named Honey in the 1930s, which is still being dug up today by the Chinese. Towards the end of the video, Byrne shares a story about loggers who had a close encounter with Bigfoot in the 1980s. The loggers described the creature as having a different coloration from the surrounding rocks, which were not mineralized. Byrne and his team visited the site recently and were able to see the discoloration in the rocks. Throughout the video, Byrne remains open-minded about the existence of Bigfoot and encourages viewers to keep an open mind as well. He emphasizes the importance of publicizing efforts to gather sightings and information about the creature. If you're interested in learning more about Peter Byrne's experiences and insights on Bigfoot, be sure to check out the full video on The Sasquatch Archives YouTube channel.