Bigfoot Encounter in Arkansas: The Ouachita Beast Incident - Featuring Brad Roberts, Scott F. McDonald, and Richard Rins

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Recently, I came across an interesting video on YouTube from the channel Master Hughes. The video, titled "QUACHITA BEAST INCIDENT ACTOR INFO," shares some exciting information about an upcoming movie based on a true story that took place in the Ouachita Wilderness area of Arkansas. In the video, the speaker introduces the talented cast and crew members who have contributed to the film. Among them is Brad Roberts, an experienced actor known for his work in numerous movies and shows. Another notable individual is Scott F McDonald, who has also appeared in various productions and has worked with the speaker on previous projects. The speaker then reveals that they themselves are in the movie, which is sure to be a thrilling addition for viewers. Richard Rinsberry, new to the speaker's movies, has provided the song "Prophecy" for the film. Richard runs a YouTube channel called "Conversations with Sasquatch" and has published several books on Amazon under the title "Conversations with Sasquatch series." Ross De La Certain is also involved in the project as a camera assistant and general assistant. The speaker acknowledges the complexity of making a movie, from handling paperwork and releases to managing audio configurations and frame rates. The film, titled "The Washita based incident," appears to be a captivating production with a talented cast and crew. With the movie based on a true story, it's sure to pique the interest of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers alike. Be sure to check out the video on Master Hughes' YouTube channel and stay tuned for the release of "The Washita based incident."