Bigfoot Encounter in 1980: Witness Account and Expert Commentary

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a possible Sasquatch encounter was recently shared on the YouTube channel, Sasquatch & The Bukwas Crew. In the video titled "Episode #110/ Bigfoot's Reflection," a witness recounts their experience from 1980, when they were on a fishing trip in Northern Minnesota with a friend. According to the witness, they heard a pounding sound, similar to tapping their chest with a fist, and a breathing sound that kept a perfect rhythm with the pounding. The witness thought it was a large bear or some other big animal heading their way, but what they saw was something entirely different. They described it as a large biped on two feet, running by them without breaking its stride or stopping its breathing pace. The witness also shared their thoughts on the scientific community's reluctance to acknowledge the existence of Sasquatch. They believe that the evidence, such as enormous footprints and thousands of eyewitness accounts, cannot be disputed and that the scientific community's fear of ridicule is the only thing preventing them from investigating the phenomenon. Another topic discussed in the video is the hoaxes and frauds associated with Sasquatch sightings. The witness emphasized that when you come across a set of tracks in the bush, far removed from any roads, it's not something you can just turn away from and dismiss as a joke. The witness's account is a compelling one, and it's definitely worth a watch. The video provides a unique perspective on the Sasquatch phenomenon and the challenges faced in gaining scientific recognition for its existence. So, if you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, researcher, or witness, be sure to check out the video and share your thoughts with us.